Welcome to Domsa Homes
Domsa Homes is the merging of expertise and experience from various background of disciplines coming from Mr Mashinini, the gentleman who came up with an idea of forming this company has helped many South Africans to own beautiful houses.

DOMSA HOMES CC Company is a property development company specializing in building affordable residential houses.
DOMSA HOMES CC Company was founded by the young black professionals for the purpose of helping middle class people to be able to achieve and acquire their dream houses by building them nice quality homes within a reasonable price scale.
It was legally registered in 2011 as a close corporation. The main focus of this company is to create more job opportunities to the community in each township that the development takes place and create wealth at the same time to those who will acquire or own these new properties. We also helps government to speedily deliver on the housing shortage in the country by becoming the partners when it comes to FLISP subsidy for those client / people who did not benefit on the low cost housing in the past and are the first home buyers with the dependents.
Our services

Estate Agency


